
How To Organize A Fashion Show Fundraiser

Hosting your own fashion show fundraiser is a fun way to raise funds for your cause. This fundraising event idea is great for schools, charities, youth groups, sororities and other fashion conscious organizations.

Fashion show fundraiser ideas
Fashion show fundraiser ideas

You can use these fashion show fundraiser ideas for any size event that you want. Obviously, a really large event is going to raise a lot more money than a smaller one, but you can always start small and make it an annual event that can grow over time.

Fashion Show Theme Ideas

The best themes for fashion shows are those associated with a strong buying trend. Here's some good ideas:

  1. For Kids – A good specialty niche is children's clothing because fashion forward moms spend a lot on kids clothing.
  2. For Moms – An under-served niche is clothing for working women and for socially active mothers and older women.
  3. For Teens – Teenagers are very fashion conscious, plus they're always outgrowing their clothes. Use local teens as models.
  4. Swimsuit – Every female has multiple swimsuits, yet is always looking for another new one with just the right look.
  5. Maternity – Huge market for maternity wear and there are some good designers for the niche, yet retail selection is limited.
  6. Prom – The major teen event each year. Obviously prom dresses are huge, but don't ignore the guy's fashion choices as well.
  7. Wedding – Wedding gowns and bridesmaid dresses are important choices and quite expensive, so they're great for a fashion show.
  8. Seasonal Themes – Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter are all great theme ideas.
  9. Back To School – Major spending time and a good show will offer lots of ideas for different age groups.
  10. Designer Trunk Show – The really big money and big drawing power with fashionistas is a designer trunk show.

Fashion Show Tips

  1. Location – Smaller shows can use a stage, larger ones should use the traditional runway format.
  2. Models – Use local models. For a fundraiser, consider auctioning off or raffling chances to be a model.
  3. Clothing – Work with retailers and local designers for clothes to model. Seek partnerships and sponsors.
  4. Niches – You can do multiple shows targeting different niche markets.
  5. Day – The day of the week is important., so match it to your audience's availability.
  6. Time – Time of day is also important. Moms have more free time during school hours, working women prefer weekends or evening shows.
  7. Seating – Charge a premium for the good seats or reward VIPs.

Fashion Show Fundraising Ideas

  1. Ticket Sales – Sell them in advance, even if the price is only $5. (It commits people to attending!)
  2. Designer Meet & Greet – Offer a VIP access party for an extra charge.
  3. Raffles – Easy moneymaker. Include door prize raffle with ticket.
  4. Silent Auction – Offer gift baskets, gift cards and other donated goods and services.
  5. Live Auction – Big events can bring in huge amounts with live auctions. Auction off clothing items as well.
  6. Food & Drink Sales – Anything you can sell with a good markup, do it.
  7. Models – You can auction off or raffle chances to be a model ahead of the event.
  8. Sponsorships – Getting corporate sponsors is huge for fundraising. Approach local businesses with a written proposal.

Promoting Your Fundraiser Event

  1. Getting Media Coverage – Use press releases and followup with local media outlets. Have high-quality photos and video available for use.
  2. Social Media Publicity Tips – Facebook event fan page, Twitter account, bogging, encourage attendees to promote to their own social media followers.
  3. Posters & Flyers – Get creative with the artwork, then get them out to fashionable clothing stores and high-traffic locations.

A fashion show is a totally fun fundraiser idea. Just be creative and make it as much fun for everyone as possible. Consider using a DJ to provide just the right music mix for your fashion event.

How To Organize A Fashion Show Fundraiser


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